Natural Capital Accounting Regional Workshop for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region
Event: Natural Capital Accounting Regional Workshop for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region
Date: March 9-11, 2015
Location: Pera Palace Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey
Organized by The World Bank and Turkish Ministry of Development
With cooperation from Statistics Netherlands, the U.N. Economic Commission of Europe, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
(Press Release: Natural Capital Accounting – a Critical Tool in Ensuring Sustainable Economic Growth)
Background: The World Bank launched the Global Partnership for Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) in 2010, providing technical support to developing countries to implement Natural Capital Accounting (NCA). In 2012, in advance of the Rio+20 summit, the World Bank took the initiative to reach out globally through the 50:50 campaign inciting the public and private sectors to join forces, taking collective action in support of NCA. Since the launch of the campaign, the response has been overwhelming: 70 countries, 90 corprations, and 17 civil society members supported the campaign. Turkey recently joined WAVES as a participating country member.
- An overview of the WAVES partnership
- An overview of the methodology for NCA using the UN’s System of Environmental and Economic Accounting- Central Framework (SEEA-CF)
- Examples of selected accounts modules that have been identified in ECA such as water and forest accounts
- Examples of how NCA has been used for policy in other countries
- Discussions of data, staffing, and institutional requirements for NCA
March 9th, Monday WAVES and NCA Overview |
8:30-9:00am |
Registration and sign in (Outside the meeting room Grand Pera in Pera Palace Hotel)
9:30-9:45am |
Group introduction and workshop agenda Workshop facilitator: Mr. Robert Shannon Stearman, WAVES, the World Bank
9:00-9:30am |
Welcome and Opening Speeches Chair: Ms. Kulsum Ahmed, Practice Manager, Environment and Natural Resource Global Practice, ECA region, the World Bank
Ms. Sema Bayazit, Director of Environment and Sustainable Development, Turkish Ministry of Development Mr. Martin Raiser, World Bank Country Director for Turkey Mr. Mehmet Aktas, Vice President of Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) |
9:45-10:40 am |
Overview of Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) and their applications Moderator: Mr. Stig Johansson, Global Outreach Coordinator, WAVES, the World Bank
Introduction to NCA and the WAVES Global Partnership (25 min) By Mr. Stig Johansson, Global Outreach Coordinator, WAVES
Panel Discussion (max 10 min for each panelist) Mr. George Bouma, UNDP; Mr. Michael Nagy, UNECE; Professor Erinc Yeldan, Dept of Economics, Bilkent University, Turkey
10:40-11:00 am |
Group Photo and Coffee Break |
11:00-11:45 am |
High-level panel on the need for NCA approach in participating countries Moderator: Ms. Kulsum Ahmed, Practice Manager, Environment and Natural Resource Global Practice, ECA region, the World Bank
Panelists (5-10 min for each panelist): Ms. Sema Bayazit (Director of Environment and Sustainable Development, Turkish Ministry of Development); Mr. Teimuraz Murgulia, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, Georgia; Mr. Nematullo Hikmatullozoda, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Tajikistan; Mr. Fadil Fatic, Deputy Director, Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
11:45-12:30 pm |
SEEA-Central Framework: Overview and Methodology By Mr. Roel Delahaye, Statistics Netherlands
12:30-2:00 pm |
Lunch |
2:00-3:30 pm |
Presentations on country policy applications (forest and water focus) Moderator: Mr. Stephen Karam, the World Bank
Global overview by Juan Pablo Castaneda, WAVES Case of the Netherlands by Mr. Roel Delahaye of Statistics Netherlands Broad International case studies by Mr. Michael Nagy of UNECE Q&A and Discussion |
3:30-3:45 pm |
Coffee Break |
3:45-4:45 pm |
Three breakout sessions to review the status of environment and natural resource accountings and discuss NCA-related policy questions in participating countries Facilitators: Ms. Esra Arikan, Mr. Robert Stearman, and Mr. Stig Johannsson
Group discussions (30 min) (The participants will be roughly divided into the following three groups: Turkish participants in Group One, Russian-speaking participants from Central Asian countries in Group Two, and participants from the rest in Group Three. Each breakout session will designate a member to summarize the discussion and report back in next session)
Breakout session summary (5 min for each group) Q&A and discussion
4:45-5:00 pm |
Closing of the day By Mr. Stig Johansson, WAVES |
March 10 Tuesday Focus on Forest and Water Accounts |
9:00-9:15 am |
Opening By Mr. Stig Johansson, WAVES, the World Bank
9:15-10:30 am |
Water Accounts Moderator: Mr. George Bouma, UNDP
Water accounts overview: physical accounts (30 min) by Mr. Michael Nagy, UNECE
Water statistics and introduction to water accounts in Turkey (30 min) by Ms. Gulsevil Bahceli, Environmental Engineer, TurkStat
Q&A and discussion (15 min)
10:30-11:00 am |
Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 pm |
Overview of valuation methods (15 min) By Jian Xie, the World Bank
Water accounting overview: Main tables and monetary accounts (30 min) By Mr. Michael Nagy, UNECE
by Mr. Ahmet Vehbi Muslu, Asst. Expert, General Directorate of Water Management, Turkey
Q&A and discussion (15 min)
12:30-2:00 pm |
Lunch |
2:00-3:30 pm |
Forest Accounts Moderator: Ms. Esra Arikan, the World Bank
Overview of forestry valuation and accounting (30 min) By Mr. Juan-Pablo Castaneda, the World Bank
Forestry Policies and Practices in Turkey (15 min) By Mr. Başar Bakır, Section Head, DG Forestry, Turkey Studies on Ecosystem Services in Turkey (15 min) By Mr. Adem Bilgin, Section Head, DG National Parks and Nature Conservation, Turkey Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services Study in Turkey (15 min) By Ms. Bahar Erbas, Associate Professor, TOBB University of Economics and Technology and consultant to the World Bank
Q&A and discussion (15 min) |
3:30-3:45 pm |
Coffee Break |
3:45-4:45 pm |
Panel and discussion: Forest and water issues in ECA and opportunities to use NCA as a tool to address issues Moderator: Mr. Taylan Kiymaz, Director, Department of Agriculture and Forest, MoD
Panelists: Mr. Mustafa Bulut, Water Expert, Ministry of Development, Turkey Mr. Dumitru Galupa, Director, Forest Research and Management Institute, Moldova (in Russian, Русский) Ms. Natalya Zharkina, Head of Department for Environmental Management and Innovative Development, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Belarus (in Russian, Русский) Ms. Kanykey Orozbaeva, Director, Environmental Department, Statistical Committee, Kyrgyzstan
4:45-5:00pm |
Closing of the day By Mr. Stig Johansson, WAVES, the World Bank
March 11 Wednesday Data, Institutional Requirements, and Next Steps |
9:00-9:30 am |
Opening and overview of previous days By Ms. Esra Arikan, the World Bank
9:30-10:45 am |
Panel discussion of institutional requirements and data challenges Moderator: Mr. Stig Johansson, WAVES
Panelists: Mr. Juan-Pablo Castaneda, the World Bank Mr. Michael Nagy, UN Economic Commission for Europe Mr. Roel Delahaye, Statistics Netherlands Ms. İpek Turtin Uzer, Expert, TurkStat
10:45-11:00 am |
Coffee Break |
11:00-12:00 pm |
Discussion on next steps and how to follow up Facilitators: Mr. Jian Xie and Ms. Esra Arikan, the World Bank
12:00-12:15 pm |
Thank you and Closing of the Workshop Mr. Jian Xie, the World Bank Mr. Sebahattin Sari, Director, Environment, Energy and Transport Statistics Department, Turkish Statistical Institute |
12:15-1:30 pm |
Lunch |
* Note: Simultaneous English-Russian translation will be provided during the event.