Nov 22, 2016 to Nov 23, 2016

WAVES Policy Forum: Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy

Nov 22, 2016 to Nov 23, 2016
The Hague, The Netherlands

Photo: Alias 0591/Fllickr CC
WAVES Policy Forum: Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands
The Policy Forum aims to improve our understanding of the links between Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and policy, so that NCA efforts are policy-relevant and timely. The Forum’s first meeting will bring together NCA developers and policy-makers from high-, middle- and low-income countries. Forum participants will share and explore country experiences of using NCA, with a view to developing guidance on NCA for better decision-making.
The Forum is sponsored by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Bank-led WAVES Global Partnership.

Forum background documents:


Day 1:   November 22

Session 1

09:00 - 10.30

Introduction and objectives


  1. Welcome: Steve Bass (Facilitator)
  2. Opening remarks: Kees Rade (MFA Netherlands) and Stig Johansson (World Bank)
  3. Forum objectives, context and agenda:  Questions and clarifications, Steve Bass (IIED)
  4. Keynote presentation: From accounts to policy - Environmental statistics and accounts in The Netherlands, Stefan Van Der Esch and Arjan Ruijs (PBL)
  5. Ice breaker and table discussions

Morning Tea:   10:30 – 11:00

Session 2

11:00 – 12:30

Perspectives on the role of NCA in national policy


  1. Scene-setter presentation: Applying NCA in government decision-making: Principles, processes … Just do it? Peter Burnett (ANU)
  2. Country presentation: Costa Rica - Influence of natural resources accounting on public policy and decision-making, Dr. Edgar Gutiérrez-Espeleta (Minister of Environment)
  3. Country presentation: Natural Capital in the UK, Nick Barter (DEFRA)
  4. Country presentation: Policy uses of NCA, Colombian Experience Silvia Calderon (National Planning Department) and Henry Alterio (WAVES Colombia)
  5. Table discussion and questions (30 mins)

Lunch:   12:30 – 13:30


Session 3

13:30 – 15:00

Engaging with government

for policy-fit NCA



  1. Scene-setter: Engaging government and other stakeholders – scoping entry points, Steve Bass (IIED)
  2. Country presentation: Rwanda NCA - Process and potential applications. Claudine Uwera (WAVES Rwanda), Peter Katanisa (Ministry of Natural Resources) and Vincent de Paul Kabalisa (Rwanda Natural Resources Agency)
  3. Country presentation: Sweden – PRINCE: Policy Relevant Indicators for National Consumption and Environment, Nancy Steinbach (Statistics Sweden)
  4. Country presentation: Guatemala - Development of NCA from outside to inside government, Fernando Coronado (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) and Ismael Matías Vargas(Central Bank)
  5. Table discussion and questions (30 mins)

Afternoon Tea:   15:00 – 15:30         

Session 4

15:30 – 17:00

Water policy and NCA


  1. Scene-setter presentation: Water policy and the application of NCA, Michael Nagy (UNECE), Stuart Peevor (EIB) and Michael Vardon (ANU)
  2. Country presentation: The Netherlands - Environmental accounts and water policy, Frans Oosterhuis (IVM-VU)
  3. Country presentation: Botswana water management, Ogopotse Pule (Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources)
  4. Country presentation: Colombia water pricing, German David Romero Otalo, Silvia Calderon (National Planning Department) and Henry Alterio (WAVES Colombia)
  5. Table discussion and questions (30 mins)

Summary of the day

17:00 – 17:30

Taking stock on lessons and challenges: Tables report back and plenary session

Cocktail event hosted by MoFA:   17:30 – 19:00

Day 2:   November 23

Session 5

09:00 – 10:30

Policy tools and applications of NCA 



  1. Scene-setter presentation: The policy tool-kit, Sofia Ahlroth (World Bank), Peter Burnett (ANU), Steve Bass (IIED) and Michael Vardon (ANU)
  2. Country presentation: Guatemala - Forest and fuelwood: how NCA modeling helps decision-makers, Onil Banerjee (IDB), Martin Cicowiez, (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Renato Vargas (CHW Guatemala) and Mark Horridge (Victoria University)
  3. Country presentation: Interlinkage between natural resources accounts and development policy options: Case - Indonesia Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, Buyung Airlangga (BPS) and Medrilzam (BAPPENAS)
  4. Country presentation: Australia State of the Environment Reporting, Kate Auty and Becky Smith (Australian Capital Territory Commissioner for Sustainability and Environment)
  5. Table discussion and questions (30 mins)

Morning Tea:   10:30 -11:00

Session 6

11:00 – 12:30

Policy applications of NCA –  sustainable development, green growth and cross-cutting issues


  1. Issue presentation: Monitoring the shift to sustainable consumption and production patterns in the context of the SDGs, Nancy Steinbach (Statistics Sweden)
  2. Issue presentation: Green growth, Frode Neergaard (Global Green Growth Institute)
  3. Country presentation: Indicators for green growth policy in the Netherlands, Sjoerd Schenau (Statistics Netherlands)
  4. Issue presentations: Biodiversity and ecosystems
    1. Biodiversity – Aichi targets and conservation, Michael Vardon (ANU)
    2. Potential policy applications of ecosystem accounting in the European Union, Laure Ledoux and Jakub Wejchert (European Commission)
  5.  Table discussion and questions (30 mins)

Lunch:   12:30 – 13:30

Session 7

13:30 – 15:00

Energy, extractives and climate change accounting


  1. Country presentation: The Dutch energy agreement - The role of environmental accounts in Dutch energy policies, Arjan Ruijs (PBL)
  2. Country presentation: Costa Rica - energy accounts, Henry Vargas (Central Bank) (in Spanish here)
  3. Country presentation: Philippines - Use of mineral accounts, Vivian Ilarina (Philippines Statistical Authority) and Bresilda Gervacio (Department of Environment and Natural Resources)
  4. Country presentation: Accounting for Myanmar’s natural assets, Ben Milligan, University College London
  5. Table discussion and questions (30 mins)

Afternoon Tea:   15:00 – 15:30

Session 8

15:30 – 17:00

Forum key messages, work plan, and conclusions


  1. Draft key messages emerging from the Forum, Sonu Jain (World Bank) and Rosalind Goodrich (IIED)

Plenary discussion of messages – building consensus

  1. Forum work plan – scoping the elements, Sofia Ahlroth (World Bank)

Plenary discussion of work plan – priorities, timing, venue of next the Forum

  1. Summary, reflections and acknowledgements by Australia, Costa Rica, Netherlands, World Bank and Facilitator
  2. Closing remarks