From around the web

Trees grow slowly but changes in forestry are coming quickly

(The Scotsman)
November 16, 2016

With the continued growth of Scotland's forested areas, the shape of the forestry sector is changing.

12 ways environment and development sectors can collaborate to meet the SDGs

(The Guardian)
October 31, 2016

The 2030 agenda intertwines goals for human development and environmental protection. An expert panel explains how the two sectors can work together

Do you really value the services nature provides?

October 31, 2016

While companies occasionally have used nature to solve infrastructure challenges, making a strong business case to weave the financial benefits of natural infrastructure into the bottom line is breaking new ground.

How Transportation Affects Nature and Vice Versa

(Rafael M. Acevedo Daunas, Inter-American Development Bank)
October 26, 2016

Our transportation projects can affect the environment and, at the same time, they can be affected by natural phenomena based on (i) the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the terrain under our highways; and (ii) run-off water that is inadquately managed.

Coastal wetlands save hundreds of millions of dollars in flood damages during hurricanes

(University of California Santa Cruz)
October 25, 2016

A new study led by UCSC researchers finds more than $600 million in property losses were prevented during Hurricane sandy by coastal habitats in the Northeast coast.

A New California Case Study Finds Eco-Assets Boost Property Sale Price

(Ecosystem Marketplace)
October 12, 2016

Assessing property for the endangered species it saves or wetlands it preserves could pay off for some landowners, says a California-based firm researching ecosystem markets. According to the firm’s latest case study, sale price tripled for a property in San Benito County, California once it considered eco-asset market values.

When it Comes to Natural Capital, it’s Easy to Forget that We’re on the Same Team

(Huffington Post)
September 16, 2016

While the natural capital movement has progressed significantly over the last couple of years, it was clear at the IUCN World Conservation Congress that there are many who still reject the concept.

From Companies to Communities: IUCN Congress Explores Natural Capital Approaches and Impacts

September 01, 2016

From the health and spiritual benefits derived from nature to the many services it provides, delegates attending the IUCN World Conservation Congress taking place from September 1-10, 2016 in Hawai’i will explore how valuing the earth’s natural resources impact conservation and people.

First Ever Organisation-wide Natural Capital Account Published

(Blue and Green Tomorrow)
August 26, 2016

Forest Enterprise England, the land management agency of the Forestry Commission, is the first organisation to publish an organisation-wide Natural Capital Account.

Ministries pooling data to account for environmental damage in GDP

(The Economic Times)
August 20, 2016

India has taken the first step to account for environmental damage while calculating its national income or gross domestic product.
