From around the web

Without action, Asia-Pacific ecosystems could lose a third of their value by 2050

(The Conversation)
August 07, 2016

Between 1997 and 2011, the global value of ecosystem services declined by up to US$20 trillion per year as a result of changing land use. Some latest research shows that, in the Asia-Pacific region, this downward trend is likely to continue unless there are significant policy changes.

Delivering on the Paradigm of Evidence-based Policy Advice

(Inter-American Development Bank)
August 04, 2016

A blog on how the application of the Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling (IEEM) platform is being used to analyze Guatemala’s fuelwood sector by simulating a 25% increase in the efficiency of household fuelwood use.

Eyes on the water in Belize

(World Wildlife Fund)
August 01, 2016

A natural capital team has conducted extensive mapping exercises, community consultations, and data modeling for the Belize Government in order to define which ecosystems are healthiest and which are most in danger. 

Natural capital accounting: six tips for engaging policymakers

(International Institute for Environment and Development)
August 01, 2016

IIED has just finished working with the first phase of the WAVES Global Partnership; here's what we've learned and what we would want to pass on to communication specialists starting from scratch in a new WAVES country.

Restoring Natural Capital Can Help Reduce Extreme Poverty

(United Nations Environment Programme)
August 05, 2016

The contribution from nature sustains and nurtures communities and is a source of well being as it provides income, health and spiritual fulfillment. 

On First International Day, UNESCO Calls for Protection of Mangrove Ecosystems

(United Nations)
July 26, 2016

The UN calls for greater preservation efforts for mangroves, which help protect coastlines and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Forests and Crops Make Friendly Neighbors in Costa Rica

(Inter Press Service News Agency)
July 26, 2016

While Latin America keeps expanding its agricultural frontier by converting large areas of forest, Costa Rica has taken a different path and is now a role model for a peaceful coexistence between food production and sustainable forestry.

Mozambique Moving Forward With National Natural Capital Program

(Natural Capital Project)
July 25, 2016

Drought and deforestation highlight the importance of factoring natural capital into long-term development decisions.

The Intrinsic Value of the Columbia River Basin

(Earth Economics)
July 25, 2016

An economic valuation of the Columbia River Basin will provide critical information that can inform negotiations for a 2024 Treaty update with local Native American tribes. A more expansive view of the Columbia River will allow for ecosystem-based functions to be included in a modernized Treaty.

Kansas Lost $1.1 Billion From Aquifer Depletion

(Topeka Capital-Journal)
July 23, 2016

A Yale University study placed a value on Kansas' water using data on aquifer levels and water use, and found the U.S. state lost about $110 million each year between 1996 and 2005.
