In the contemporary world, we often forget our dependence on this natural environment.
From around the web
Natural Capital Accounting for Evidence-Based Policy
Natural capital accounting broadens our standard measures of economic performance by taking stock of the very foundation of wealth- a nation’s environmental resources.
African ESP conference: Natural capital accounting critical to sustainable ecosystem
ICRAF hosted the first regional African Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) conference on 21-25 November 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Australia must make the environment integral to economic decision-making
Our economic system functions within, not alongside, an environmental reality. The tools have been created over the past twenty years to factor the environment into our decision making. We just need to take the next step.
Growth prospects under a changing climate
To deliver sustained growth and wellbeing, we need to value natural capital, recognize the human hand in climate change and take preventive action against climate-related calamities.
Botswana State of the Nation Address: Economic Outlook
In his State of the Nation Address, President of the Republic of Botswana Ian Khama reiterated the country's commitment to natural capital accounting efforts.
DFID Supports Second Phase of WAVES Partnership
WAVES began its second phase (2016 - 2020), with the UK’s Department for International Development becoming the first donor to contribute to the WAVES+ Multi Donor Trust Fund.
Palawan’s Natural Assets to Undergo Recreational Services Accounting
In the Philippines, WAVES is supporting the production of ecosystem acounts for the island of Palawan, with a focus on recreational services.
Let’s Talk Business: Bridging the Gap Between the Financial World and the Natural
Let’s Talk Business! – a natural capital conference in The Hague organized by Platform BEE, aimed to address the missing link between the natural and financial worlds.
Speech by The Prince of Wales at the 2016 Accounting for Sustainability Summit
The Prince of Wales gave a speech at this year’s annual Accounting for Sustainability Summit (A4S), an initiative of the Prince of Wales Charitable Foundation (PWCF).