150 representatives from the private sector, civil society, the public sector, and academia participated in a forum aiming to increase natural capital accounting in decision-making.
From around the web
Forum discusses Costa Rica's progress in Natural Capital Accounting (in Spanish)
Forum discusses Costa Rica's progress in natural capital accounting (in Spanish)
A forum was held in San José to discuss increasing natural capital accounting in decision-making and in the development of sustainable policies for forests, water and energy.
The Five Steps to Corporate Natural Capital Accounting
Experts describe the Corporate Natural Capital Account process developed by Forest Enterprise Englandto inform decision-making and demonstrate the social and environmental returns on public investment.
New natural capital metric a 'powerful lever for change,' says Kering
A new natural capital biodiversity metric will act as an "internal change management tool" that allows companies to define and translate what environmental footprints look like in a business context.
The value of natural infrastructure
Its cost advantages over grey infrastructure are huge. It develops resilient communities by conserving water, soil and habitat.
Financing Economic Growth in LDCs: A Tale of National Savings and Natural Resources
The depletion of natural resources in Least Developed Countries reduces the net savings and jeopardizes growth.
How India's Tata is mainstreaming natural and social capital
Tata group appreciates the inherent benefits that exist in measuring, assessing and valuing natural and social capital for managing business risks and opportunities.
Empower with knowledge – Earth Day and National Capital Accounts
The concept of natural capital, and the need to keep track of it through natural capital accounts, are building momentum in the UK.
Filipinos choosing the green energy option
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