Ene 28, 2021
Towards a National Plan for Advancing Environmental-Economic Accounting
This webinar, is part of a series organised by the Africa Natural Capital Accounting Community of Practice.
DATE: Thursday, January 28, 2021
TIME: 13:00 UTC / 16:00 NAIROBI / 21:00 SIN / 08:00 AM - NY
Click here to register for the Webinar
Video Recording of the Webinar
The preparation of a national plan for advancing environmental-economic accounting is initiated through a scoping exercise, implemented as a preliminary assessment of readiness and capacity of countries that are seeking to embark on natural capital accounting approaches that are consistent with the System of Environmental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA). Among other things, it assesses policy relevance and priorities, data availability, institutional framework and financial as well as technical resources required to implement NCA at an appropriate scale. The assessment of readiness will, in turn, support the development of a national plan, or roadmap helping governments to determine initial priorities for implementing various types of accounts, raise/allocate funds as well as work on the institutional arrangements necessary for their sustainable implementation.
This webinar will aim to introduce the process of scoping for natural capital accounting, introduce the tools available for countries, and outline the idea behind the national plans/roadmaps. The webinar will aim to bring together thoughts and experiences on scoping and national plan development in several African countries that are in various stages of NCA development.
Program Outline:
1. Introduction to the webinar
Peter Katanisa, Coordinator for the Africa Community of Practice
2. Introductory presentation: NCA Scoping: Forging a road map towards environmental-economic accounting
Speaker: Rosimeiry Portela, Conservation International
3. Panel discussion on country experiences and lessons learned
● Introduction by each panelist on their experiences with the initial development of a national plan, followed by a moderated discussion by the chair.
4. Open Q&A and quiz
● Participants are invited to ask questions to the presenters and to share their ideas on the topic of discussion.
This webinar is part of a series organised by the Africa Natural Capital Accounting Community of Practice.