Mayo 11, 2014 to Mayo 13, 2014
Mayo 11, 2014 to Mayo 13, 2014
Global Workshop on Forest Accounting
Mayo 11, 2014 to Mayo 13, 2014
Washington, DC
AGENDA || Registration is now closed

The “Global Workshop on Forest Accounting” is organized under WAVES to provide a platform to share experiences on policy applications of forest accounting and test training materials developed in the “Sourcebook for Forest Accounting: Policy Applications and Basic Compilation Guidelines.”
The workshop will also answer the need to address an increasing demand for harmonization across countries in the creation and implementation of forest accounts and will be especially useful for most WAVES core implementing countries that have begun to compile forest accounts. Not surprisingly, WAVES country partners consider forest ecosystems as important contributors to rural development, poverty alleviation and food security, as they are sources of wood, cork, energy, food, and they also provide important ecosystem services such as biodiversity conservation, soil and water protection, recreation, and carbon storage.
Related Publications
- Cuenta integrada de bosques, CIB
- Manual for Environmental and Economic Accounts for Forestry: A tool for cross-sectoral policy
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- Measuring UK Woodland Ecosystem Assets and Ecosystem Services
- Monetary Valuation of UK Timber Resources
- Natural resource accounting for Indian states — Illustrating the case of forest resources
- Natural Resource Accounts for Forests
- Monetary Flow Account for Forestry Resources in New Zealand
- Accounting for Forest Resources in Zimbabwe
Objectives and audience
The workshop will bring the NCA “Community of practice” together to share experiences, discuss challenges, responses, and next steps for mainstreaming forest accounting into development policy. The audience includes WAVES countries and the greater forest accounting community. The goal is to enhance the understanding of how forest accounting can inform policy planning, to strengthen country-level capacity, and serve as a first step for the construction of a dynamic global community of practice on forest accounting. Through expert panels, dynamic group exercises, and presentations of how forest accounts have informed national policies, workshop participants will be better prepared to return to their home countries to compile and implement forest accounts.
The workshop aims to:
Strengthen technical understanding and capacity among participants by:
- Sharing experiences and results from each partner country to learn from one another
- Providing basic training on forest accounting, from defining policy questions to identifying the accounts needed to answer the questions
- Testing the training materials developed within the context of the development of the Manual for Forest Accounting
- Start to build a common language for forest accounting among all WAVES partner countries in accordance to SEEA 2012 and;
- Serve as building block for developing a forest accounting community of practice as part of the broader effort of the NCA community of practice being promoted by WAVES.