Ghana - Green Growth PASA : Heat Stress in Human Labor and Poverty
The Economic Case for Nature : A Global Earth-Economy Model to Assess Development Policy Pathways
Uganda Adjusted Macroeconomic Indicators – 2020 Edition
Mobilizing Private Finance for Nature
Mainstreaming Nature and the Road to Kunming
The World Bank Group is supporting the development of the Framework through an initiative named “The Road to Kunming”. This complements the WBG’s rich operational engagement on biodiversity and ecosystems.
Towards a Regional Community of Practice in Africa: Accelerating the mainstreaming of NCA through regional integration
Top risks are environmental, but ignore economics and they'll be harder to fix
Climate-related risks overshadow all other risks – in particular economic risks – undermining cohesive action and creating blind spots. Society needs a new “growth paradigm” that addresses the interconnectedness of socio-economic factors with climate change. Businesses need to adapt their metrics to assess the value of nature.
Uganda Adjusted Macroeconomic Indicators and Measures of Comprehensive Wealth
Assessment of Biodiversity Measurement Approaches for Businesses and Financial Institutions