WAVES Botswana: Frequently Asked Questions
Ocean Species Are Shifting toward the Poles
Changes in species abundance can throw food chains out of whack and put livelihoods at risk.
Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change
Towards ecosystem accounts for Rwanda
The Africa Regional NCA Policy Forum
On Thursday November 21, 2019, representatives from 18 African countries met for the first ‘Africa Forum on Natural Capital Accounting’ in Kampala, Uganda.
4th Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy
The 4th Forum on Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) for Better Policy brought together over 100 high-level participants working on NCA and sustainable landscape management on 18-19 November 2019 in Kampala, Uganda.
African nations convene to shape a Regional Community of Practice on Natural Capital Accounting
Representatives from 18 African countries committed to create a new Community of Practice on Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) in Africa.
Why a sense of kinship is key to caring about the living world
Leading thinkers in environmental economics and conservation are asking a pressing question. Why are we ignoring the destruction of the living world?
Terra Silva has $90 million in ‘catalytic capital’ for carbon reduction in tropical forests
Forests are climate-negative technology at scale. So investments in tropical forests should be investment-ready, and fund managers able to tap the opportunity should be rolling in capital.