Nov 18, 2019 to Nov 21, 2019

4th Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy

Nov 18, 2019 to Nov 21, 2019
Kampala, Uganda

The fourth Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy took place on 18-19 November 2019 in Kampala, Uganda. The 2019 NCA Policy Forum, co-organized by the World Bank, United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the Government of Netherlands, and the Government of Uganda, brought together over 100 high-level participants including government representatives from developing and developed countries, as well as from organizations working on NCA, environmental-economic policy, and sustainable landscape management. This year`s theme was Measuring and valuing natural capital for improved landscape management. Two background papers were prepared to enable a richer discussion. The draft pre-Forum version can be downloaded below. 

The participants explored how Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) could work together to accelerate both national agendas, such as land use planning and protection of ecosystem services, and to report on international goals and targets, such as the Bonn Challenge, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Back-to-back with the NCA Policy Forum, government presentative from 17 African countries and organizations working in Africa gathered at the Africa Regional NCA Policy Forum on Thursday November 21, 2019. The objective of this event was to form a Regional Community of Practice on NCA for Africa: identifying common challenges and opportunities and to discuss how countries can support each other in mainstreaming natural capital considerations into policy. The Community of Practice is supported by the World Bank, the Gaborone Declaration for a Sustainable Africa (GDSA), UNSD and the Government of Netherlands. The outcomes of the Regional Forum have been compiled in a workshop report, which provides a clear baseline of existing NCA work, and helps to identifying synergies and areas for collaboration, including a roadmap for the Community of Practice. 

Previous Forums on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy


Click on the presenter`s name in the agenda below to download their presentation. 

Day 1: Monday, November 18, 2019


8.30 am 


Tea and coffee

9.00 am -

09.45 am

Session 1. Welcome, 2019 Forum objectives, recap of 2018 Forum, agenda orientation, introductions

Facilitator: Steve Bass


Welcome & introductory words


Setting the scene: Introductory remarks and objectives of the meeting


Welcome Forum objectives, agenda, intro’s

  • Steve Bass, International Institute for
    Environment and Development (IIED)

09.45 am -

10.45 pm

Session 2. Linking growing national wealth and Integrated Landscape Management

 Facilitator: Raffaello Cervigni, World Bank


Keynote:National wealth and the role of natural capital 

  Keynote: landscape policy issues and approaches
  Discussant followed by Q&A
  • Tom Okurut, Govt of Uganda

10.45 am – 11.15 am

Coffee and Tea



11.15 am -

12.30 pm

Session 3. Landscape policy challenges: protecting, restoring and sustainably managing landscapes

Facilitator: Glenn-Marie Lange, World Bank

  Presentation: Landscapes as a focus for integrating objectives, actors and systems


Presentation: NCA and Landscapes

Stefano Pagiola, World Bank 

  Expert panel discussion 
  • Luther Anakur (IUCN)
  • Mao Amis (African Centre for a Green Economy)
  • Rosimeiry Portela (Conservation International) 
   Q & A  
12:40 pm - 2:00 pm Introduction of poster session: Countries’ progress on producing and using NCA  
12.40 pm –   2.00 pm  LUNCH

2.00 pm -

5.00 pm

Session 4. Natural capital: NCA informing policy and governance: sharing news and learning from ‘stories of change’

Facilitators: Marko Javorsek, UN Statistics Division

  Panel: Country examples of landscape-related NCA experience – land, forest, water, ecosystem and other accounts
  Afternoone Coffee and Tea 



Group discussions: Landscape-level NCA: what works best to improve landscape management and governance

7:00 pm



Day 2: Tuesday, November 19, 2019


8.30 am 


Tea and coffee 

9.00 am -

10.30 am

Session 5. Methodologies: how combining NCA and ILM approaches and methods can meet the landscape policy challenges

Facilitator: Michael Vardon, ANU


Presentation: Overview of methodologies and data used for landscape-related NCA

  Presentation: Overview of methodologies and data for sustainable landscape projects
  Presentation: Case studies of landscape approaches
  Presentation: biophysical modeling guidelines by UNSD

10.30 am - 11.00 am

Morning Coffee and Tea


11.00am - 12.30pm Discussion groups: Congruence between NCA and ILM approaches; and how NCA can best help SLM
  • Facilitator: Michael Vardon, ANU
12.30 pm - 2.00 pm LUNCH

 2:00 pm-

 3.00 pm

Session 6. Country reflections on the Forum discussions so far

Facilitator: Steve Bass

  Panel: Country needs, constraints and opportunities for NCA helping landscape policy and governance


  • Davis Vuningoma, Ministry of Finance, Uganda
  • Henry Alterio Gonzalez, Colombia
  • Mandy Driver, SANBI, South Africa
  • Richard Lungu, Ministry of National Development Planning, Zambia
  • Helen O’Connor, DFID, UK
  • Ruud Jansen, Gaborone Declaration for Sustainability in Africa


 3.00 pm -

4.30 pm

Session 7. (inc. coffee) – Expanding and accelerating NCA application: NCA & ILM working together

Facilitator: Steve Bass

  Brief presentations: international updates and opportunities to engage


  Moderated discussion on the potential NCA/ILM collaborations


3.30 – 4.00 pm



Session 7 continued – Brief small group and plenary discussions: potential NCA/ILM collaborations

4.00 pm -

5.30 pm

Session 8. Messages and next steps from the 2019 Forum

Facilitators: Steve Bass and Sonu Jain

  Discussion: Main messages and targets for messages from this forum – discussion
  Next steps after the Forum: Priorities and actions towards 2020 Forum
  • Facilitator: Steve Bass
  Closing remarks
  • Alessandra Alfieri (UN Statistical Division)
  • Raffaello Cervigni (World Bank)
  • Government of Uganda representative