Joint UNECE/OECD Seminar on the Implementation of SEEA (14 - 15 October 2015)
Document Title |
Documents |
Information Note |
Concept Note |
Provisional Programme |
Background documents |
SEEA Central Framework 2012 |
SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting 2012 |
Methodological documents, compilation guidelines, etc. (Eurostat) |
Presentations |
Session 1 - Introduction, setting the scene |
The family of SEEA-Standards, organization and future planning (UNSD) |
Session 2 - SEEA Policy uses, analytical tools and indicators |
Green growth strategy and indicator framework (OECD) |
SEEA policy uses in developing countries (World Bank) |
Policy uses of SEEA in the European Union (Eurostat) |
Examples of governmental and of research uses of SEEA data in Sweden (Statistics Sweden) |
The Austrian "integrated NAMEA" (Statistics Austria) |
Session 3a - Identification of priorities for the implementation of SEEA |
Perspectives on international coordination related to implementation priorities (UNSD) |
EU and OECD priorities for the implementation of the SEEA (Eurostat and OECD) |
Environment statistics framework development and related implementation priorities in Canada (Statistics Canada) |
Implementation priorities in the Kyrgyz Republic (National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic) |
Session 3b - Institutional setting and co-ordination |
UK Environmental Accounts - developing accounts and indicators for regulation and policy departments (UK Office for National Statistics) |
Environmental Accounts in the Czech Republic (Czech Statistical Office) |
Institutional capacity building and coordination to introduce SEEA in the Kyrgyz Republic (National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic) |
Integrating environmental accounts within national accounts in Italy (Italian National Institut of Statistics) |
Session 3c - Production processes and capacity building |
SEEA Implementation in the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia |
The development of Environmental Economic Accounts in Denmark (Statistics Denmark) |
Experience from international cooperation projects (Statistics Norway) |
Session 4 - Emerging issues |
Valuation of ecosystem services in an accounting context (Wageningen University) |
Valuing ecosystems in the WAVES Programme (World Bank) |
Experimental ecosystems accounts for the Great Barrier Reef (Australian Bureau of Statistics) |
The System of Environmental Economic Accounting for Agriculture (FAO) |
Session 5 - Conclusions and Recommendations for further work |
Papers |
How are the environmental accounts used in Sweden? (Statistics Sweden) |
Employment in the environmental sector and green jobs (ICLS guidelines and their implementation) |
Guidelines concerning a statistical definition of employment in the environmental sector |