Cuenta de Bosques del Perú Documento metodológico
A Planning Tool For Peru
Ecosystem accounts for San Martín show that ecosystems contributed nearly $60 million to the regional economy, with households receiving the most benefits.
Indicadores y Otros Métodos Usados en las Cuentas Experimentales de Ecosistemas en San Martín, Perú
Las Cuentas Experimentales de los Ecosistemas en San Martín - Perú
Latin American Countries Exchange Experience on NCA
The biggest regional gathering on NCA brought together participants from 15 countries to discuss how to link accounts with policy.
Cloud-Piercing Satellites Unleash Torrent of New Data, New Insights Into Planet Earth
An open-source data platform recently launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) is enabling scientists to lift the lid on clouds, allowing for faster and more precise monitoring and mapping of changes to land use in tropical places where clouds are a persistent feature.
Beyond the Cowboy Economy: Towards Natural Capital Accounting
A blog by WAVES Senior Environmental Economist Juan Pablo Castaneda on NCA efforts and the importance of working with partners in Latin America where immense natural resources are being depleted.
Regional Workshop on Natural Capital Accounting for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) with an Emphasis on Water Accounts
Designing Pilots for Ecosystem Accounts (Working Paper)