Uganda Natural Capital Accounting, Environment and Climate Change Programmatic ASA : Natural Capital Accounting : Informing Policy Decisions and Management of Uganda’s Natural Resources (English)
Mobilizing Private Finance for Nature
Terra Silva has $90 million in ‘catalytic capital’ for carbon reduction in tropical forests
Forests are climate-negative technology at scale. So investments in tropical forests should be investment-ready, and fund managers able to tap the opportunity should be rolling in capital.
Natural Capital Accounts and Policy in Indonesia
A Green and Prosperous Future for Indonesia
WAVES in Indonesia: Impact on Policy
WAVES has helpsed Indonesia implement a system that calculates the physical and monetary values of natural resources using an accounting system, or often referred to as Natural Capital Accounting, or NCA. Through NCA, natural resources can be mainstreamed into development policy and planning. This video captures the impact that accounting has had on policy-making in Indonesia.
The Low Carbon Development Report: A Paradigm Shift Towards a Green Economy in Indonesia
Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts, 2018
New Zealand environmental-economic accounts: 2018