Water-retention potential of Europe's forests: A European overview to support natural water-retention measures
Water Scarcity is Not the Problem…Undervalued Water Is
Often identified as one of the most important environmental risks worldwide, water scarcity is in fact an effect, and not a cause of the underlying issues: degradation of natural, built and social capital and inadequate water allocation and usage, altogether exacerbated by climate change.
Training on GIS and SedNet in Southern Palawan
Training Provides Boost to Botswana’s Production of Water Accounts
Botswana’s water accounting unit learned new techniques to improve data collection and reduce analysis and turnaround time for water accounts.
Country Brief: Guatemala
Policy Briefing: Water accounts inform policies
Policy Snapshot: Botswana Water Accounts
WAVES Report of the Botswana Preparation Phase
Sistema de Contabilidad Ambiental Económica de Guatemala 2001-2010: Compension estadístico (SCAE 2001-2010)