Environmental accounts of the Netherlands, 2013
Environmental statistics and accounts in Europe
Food wastage footprint: Full-cost accounting (Final Report)
Metodología para el cálculo de variables hidrológicas. Proyecto SYWAG (System of Water Accounting in Guadalquivir River Basin)
System of Water Accounting in Guadalquivir River Basin (SYWAG) Final Report
Study Finds Degraded Laguna Ecosystem, More Forest Cover in Palawan
Ecosystem accounts in the Philippines show deforestation and pollution have degraded natural resources in Laguna de Bay, but found some improvement in southern Palawan’s forest cover.
Stronger Environmental Policies Urged (Philippines)
In a press briefing in the Philippines on October 12th, data was presented from a pilot area of the Philippine's WAVES program.
New UN Report Details Ecosystem Services of Almost $1 Billion Annually in Four Pilot Countries
ProEcoServ assessed ecosystem services such as water, soil retention, shoreline protection, carbon sequestration and pollination in South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Viet Nam and Chile.
Satellite Account of Water in Israel, 2007-2008