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The Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) for Forests covering the period 2016 to 2020
Informes técnicos

This report highlights the changes in animal populations, their use, and partial accounts for the...
Informes técnicos

The Rapid Environment Economic Assessment (REEA) model can be used to analyse government investment...
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Tourism in Africa: Harnessing Tourism for Improved Growth and Livelihoods
“Tourism in Africa” is the first World Bank report to comprehensively examine tourism throughout SSA and to recommend practical, evidence-based measures to unleash the sector’s economic and development power across the continent.
Uso de las cuentas de capital natural en la política pública
Uso de las cuentas de capital natural en la política pública, Bogotá, Septiembre 25-26 de 2013
Technical Note: Land Accounting
This note provides an introduction to land accounting, covering the motivation for producing these accounts as well as their development, compilation and use.
Workshop for Ecosystem Account for Southern Palawan
Workshop for Ecosystem Account for Southern Palawan, 3-4 September 2013, BSA Twin Towers, Ortigas, The Philippines
Stakeholder Consultation: Laguna Lake Basin
Stakeholder Consultation: Laguna Lake Basin, 28 August 2013
Land Account: Queensland, Experimental Estimates, 2013
The Land Account: Queensland, Experimental Estimates, 2013 is the third Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Land Account. This publication provides statistics on land to inform decision-making, research and discussion about Queensland.