Results Showing 11 - 20 of 28 results
Natural Capital Accounting and Policy: Costa Rica
Costa Rica has prepared three main accounts—for forests, water, and energy—using the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA). Results from the first set of accounts will start to reveal the value of natural capital’s contributions to society. This data will help to define the country’s policies into the future.
Compendio de artículos sobre cuentas de energía y emisiones en los países de ALC
Based on a regional workshop in Guatemala (May 2017) on accounting for energy and emissions.

Achievements and Lessons from the WAVES First 5 Core Implementing Countries
Learning from the "First 5" WAVES countries.

Economic value of tropical forest to coffee production
This study estimates the value of tropical forest in supplying pollination services to agriculture, specifically coffee.

Preliminary Results from Costa Rica's Natural Capital Accounts
A presentation showing the preliminary results from Costa Rica's natural capital accounts (forests, energy, water).

Cuentas Ambientales de Costa Rica: Cuenta de Energía 2011-2013
El Banco Central de Costa Rica (BCCR) ha compilado las primeras Cuentas Ambientales de Costa Rica, para Agua, Bosques y Energía.

Cuentas Ambientales de Costa Rica: Cuenta de Bosque 2011-2013
El Banco Central de Costa Rica (BCCR) ha compilado las primeras Cuentas Ambientales de Costa Rica, para Agua, Bosques y Energía.

Cuentas Ambientales de Costa Rica: Cuenta de Agua 2012
El Banco Central de Costa Rica (BCCR) ha compilado las primeras Cuentas Ambientales de Costa Rica, para Agua, Bosques y Energía.

Costa Rica: WAVES Country Report 2016
This report brings together the progress made by Costa Rica over the past year as part of the WAVES Global Partnership.
Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Workshop on Environmental Accounting for Policy Analysis
Bogota, Colombia, March 16-17, 2016