Parks are a huge asset, and we need to value them for the 21st century
By using a natural capital accounting approach, Sheffield discovered that for every £1 spent on its parks, they generate £34 of benefits.
By using a natural capital accounting approach, Sheffield discovered that for every £1 spent on its parks, they generate £34 of benefits.
The UK Land Trust’s new report highlights that our green spaces provide even more to society than we often think about.
The UK Government must swiftly implement a legally-binding 25-Year Environment Plan to halt the decline of the country's natural capital, an independent advisory body has said.
In the contemporary world, we often forget our dependence on this natural environment.
WAVES began its second phase (2016 - 2020), with the UK’s Department for International Development becoming the first donor to contribute to the WAVES+ Multi Donor Trust Fund.
WAVES entered its 2nd phase with UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) becoming the first donor to contribute to the WAVES+ Multi Donor Trust Fund.