Natural barriers are a key defense against storms like Harvey and Irma
Now we have the science to value the economic and social benefits of natural infrastructure like wetlands and reefs.
Mighty mangroves of the Philippines: Valuing wetland benefits for risk reduction and conservation
The WAVES program, The Nature Conservancy and others worked closely with the Philippines Government to assess the value of mangroves nationally.
Valuing Protective services of Mangroves in the Philippines - Technical Report
Policy Brief: Valuing the Protection Services of Mangroves in the Philippines
Glossary of Terms — Mangrove Accounts
Valuation of Selected Ecosystem Goods and Services in the Pagbilao Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest Inventory and Estimation of Carbon Storage and Sedimentation in Pagbilao
Understanding the Assessment & Data Needs for Estimating the Coastal Protection Services of Philippine Mangroves & Coral Reefs
On First International Day, UNESCO Calls for Protection of Mangrove Ecosystems
The UN calls for greater preservation efforts for mangroves, which help protect coastlines and mitigate the effects of climate change.