The Low Carbon Development Report: A Paradigm Shift Towards a Green Economy in Indonesia
Value of all Scotland’s natural resources revealed
Natural resources in Scotland have been valued at one-third of the UK’s total by a groundbreaking new study.
EPA set to update Energy sources data for Ghana
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has began a process aimed at compiling Energy Accounts within the next six months to produce data on the usage of energy sources to enable Ghana measure and protect the environment.
Botswana Energy Accounting Report 2015/16
You probably missed the latest national environmental-economic accounts – but why?
The Australian Bureau of Statistics released the Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts on June 15.
Report of experimental energy flow accounts - Indonesia
Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts, 2018
Compiling Mineral and Energy Resource Accounts According to the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) 2012: A Contribution to the Calculation of Green Growth Indicators
New Zealand environmental-economic accounts: 2018