Designing Pilots for Ecosystem Accounts (Working Paper)
WAVES Madagascar Country Report 2014
WAVES Botswana Country Report 2014
Improving the Forests Database to Support Sustainable Forest Management (Scoping Study Final Report)
First WAVES Global Knowledge Exchange on Ecosystems and their Valuation
Philippines hosted more than 100 participants from nine countries to learn and brainstorm on ecosystem accounting.
Guatemala All Set to Update Their Ecosystem Accounts
Guatemala - a megadiverse country due to the richness of its animal species, vegetation, habitats, and ecosystems - is involving several institutions to update their accounts.
ParkTalk interview with Paula Caballero
The World Bank’s Senior Director for Environment and Natural Resources, Paula Caballero, discusses the work done by WAVES in a video interview filmed by UNDP as part of their Park Talk series at the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 in Sydney, Australia.
WAVES Listens and Consults on Ecosystem Accounting in the Philippines
New Initiative in Amazon Aims to Incorporate Nature’s Value into Peruvian Economy
Conservation International’s Ana Rodriguez blogs about her visit to Peru’s San Martín region where she is part of a team working on the Ecosystem Values Assessment and Accounting (EVA) project, a collaboration between CI’s Moore Center for Science and Oceans, CI-Peru, the World Bank and the Peruvian government. EVA is intended to be a World Bank case study in the emerging field of “ecosystem accounting”.