Nov 28, 2018 to Nov 29, 2018
WAVES Eighth Annual Partnership Meeting

WAVES Eighth Annual Partnership Meeting
November 28-29, 2018
Hilton Opera Hotel, Paris, France
Every year since its inception, the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) Global Partnership brings together WAVES partners from developed and developing countries, high-level government officials, United Nations agencies, academics, and experts from think tanks and non-governmental organizations at its Annual Partnership Meeting (APM). This year, the APM will take place in Paris France, back-to-back with the Natural Capital Policy Forum (see Annex 1 for the summary program for the whole week).
Day 1 (Wednesday, November 28, 2018) |
08:30 |
Registration |
Session 1: Opening and update |
09:00 |
Welcome from the World Bank |
Introduction to the meeting – objective, approach, introductions |
09.30 |
Session 2: Keynote perspectives - NCA and decision-making |
Keynote: Hon Alexander Chiteme, Minister, Ministry of National Development Planning, Zambia Keynote: Hon Claudine Uwera, Minister of State, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda Message by video: Dr Ir Arifin Rudiyanto, MSc, Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources, National Development Planning Board (BAPPENAS), Indonesia Questions and discussion |
10.30 |
Tea and Coffee |
11.00 |
Session 3: WAVES Progress and challenges (1): Producing and using accounts |
Discussion – ‘what works’ for producing accounts that will be well used Brief Table buzz: Beginning to map ‘assets’ created by 8 years of WAVES work |
12.30 |
Lunch |
14.00 |
Session 4. WAVES Progress and challenges (2): Institutionalization of natural capital and ecosystem accounts |
Panel from WAVES/donor countries
Questions for clarification Table group discussion: institutionalising NCA Report-back |
15.30 |
Tea and Coffee |
15.45 |
Session 5. Looking forward (1): Natural capital, wealth accounting and strategic decision-making
Brief Table buzz: Key priorities for WAVES to accelerate and deepen institutionalisation |
17.00 |
Adjourn |
18.00 |
Cocktails and Dinner |
Day 2 (Thursday, November 29, 2018): Annual Partnership Meeting Day 2 |
09.00 |
Summary of Day 1 |
09.15 |
Session 6. Looking forward (2): Innovations, new tools and approaches |
Discussion – WAVES and innovation |
10.30 |
Tea and Coffee break |
10.45 |
Session 7. Table discussion: WAVES and its successor program (GPS) responding to the evolving context |
Introduction from World Bank perspective (Raffaello Cervigni, the World Bank) Introduction from a donor perspective (Ulrike Haupt, BMZ, Germany) Working groups – how can WAVES and GPS maximize the impact of NCA and ecosystem valuation on decision making? Report back |
12.00 |
Session 8. Wrap up |
12.30 |
Lunch |
14.30 |
Consultation session: WAVES countries and donors |
16.00 |
Tea and Coffee |
16.15 |
World Bank / Donors meeting |