Apr 02, 2012 to Apr 04, 2012
Apr 02, 2012 to Apr 04, 2012
Second Partnership Meeting
Apr 02, 2012 to Apr 04, 2012
Washington, DC
The Second WAVES Partners’ Meeting closed the Preparatory Phase (2011) and initiated the Implementation Period (2012-2015). We reviewed what WAVES had done in the past year, updated partners on country initiatives and work plans for the coming years, discussed plans to build the partnership, and reviewed progress with methodology for ecosystem accounting.
The Second WAVES Partners Meeting allowed to:
- Share experiences and work plans from each partner country so we could learn from each other
Strengthen and expand the Partnership -
- Share the WAVES communications strategy, particularly the web portal as a means for building the partnership
- Share plans for a WAVES Rio+20 Earth Summit event, and discuss opportunities for participation in other events that can promote WAVES
- Discuss advances in ecosystem accounting methods and plans for the Policy & Technical Experts Committee
What was achieved
- Strengthen country level work
- Communications strategy established for exchange of knowledge, reaching out to other countries, and engaging with complementary initiatives
- Plans for WAVES engagement in global events in the coming year, including Rio+20
- Plans for development of ecosystem accounting methodology
Who came
- Chairpersons of WAVES country steering committees and country coordinators
- Donors, partner UN agencies, representatives from other countries and international agencies doing environmental accounting, NGOs and other related global initiatives
- Policy and technical experts
- WAVES Secretariat and World Bank staff involved with WAVES
Powerpoint Presentations and Policy Papers
- WAVES in Botswana - Policy Brief (pdf)
- WAVES in Colombia - Andres Morales, National Planning Departmente, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- WAVES in Costa Rica - Roberto Guzman, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunication and Jacqueline Zamora, Central Bank, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- WAVES in Madagascar - Leon Rajaobelina, Jean-Gabriel Randrianarison, WAVES National Steering Committee, PPT Presentation (pdf), Policy Review (pdf)
- WAVES in Philippines - Margarita R. Songco, Undersecretary,National Economic and Development Authority, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- France's Commitment in Environmental Accounting, Frédéric Nauroy and Elen Lemaitre-Curri, French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transports and Housing, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Ecosystem Accounting in Netherlands - Bram Edens, Statistics Netherlands, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Montes Income and Capital Accounting in Andalucía, Spain - Pablo Campos and Alejandro Caparrós, Institute for Public Goods and Policies (IPP), Spanish National Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Measuring Ecosystems Goods and Services: A National Statistical Accounting Perspective - Michael Bordt, EASD Statistics Canada Céo Gaudet, Economic Analysis Directorate, Environment Canada, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Ecosystem Accounting - Policy Applications - Jennie Wang, Stéphanie Uhde, Michael Bordt, Statistics Canada, Policy Paper (pdf)
- Implementation of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Dr. Michael Vardon, Special Advisor, National Accounts Branch Economic and Environmental Statistics Group, Australian Bureau of Statistics, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Accounting for Ecosystem Services - Colombian Pilot Study - Cesar Augusto Ruiz, Conservation International, Colombia, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Applying InVEST: Incorporating Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital into National Accounts - Steve Polasky, University of Minnesota, Heather Tallis, Natural Capital Project, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Inclusive Wealth Accounting for Regulating Ecosystem Services: An Exploratory Case Study for Colombia - Heather Tallis, Stephen Polasky, Juan Sebastian Lozano, Stacie Wolny, PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Proposed Monitoring and Evaluation - PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Monitoring and Evaluation - Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA), PPT Presentation (pdf)
- Workplan for Policy and Technical Experts Committee - Paulo Augusto Nunes, Head of the Marine Economics Research Program, The Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM), PPT Presentation (pdf)