Natural Capital Accounting efforts aim to inform the sustainable management of Laguna de Bay and Southern Palawan, two rich ecosystems in the Philippines.
Features and Blogs
WAVES spoke with Steven King at UNEP about his latest work on species accounting and improving our understanding of links between species, the environment and the economy,
Frank Hawkins of IUCN spoke with the WAVES team about natural capital as a theme at the World Conservation Congress, the largest gathering of environmentalists.
The ESAforD program, led by the Swedish EPA and collaborating with WAVES, is looking at natural water purification, pollination, and urban green open spaces.
Integrated framework is tested in Guatemala showing the critical relationship between the environment and the economy for more robust policy analysis.
Conservation International and WAVES brought together officials and experts from Gaborone Declaration for Sustainability in Africa membership nations.
This new series describes what forest, land and water accounts are, their potential benefits, how they are produced, and what SDG goal they support. They also provide figures, photos and case studies from WAVES countries.
Nearly 100 experts working on NCA gathered in Costa Rica for the WAVES' sixth annual partnership meeting to discuss how to embed NCA in policy-making.
With support from WAVES, Costa Rica's Central Bank and Ministry of the Environment and Energy released Costa Rica’s first forest accounts. Results have critical implications for how Costa Rica manages its forest resources.
Several indicators have the potential to measure progress on the SDGs as well as highlight important trends in the environment more broadly.