The third annual WAVES (Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services) Partnership meeting brought together more than 100 experts who are at the forefront of advancing work on natural capital accounting (NCA) as a means to promote sustainable growth and fight issues such as poverty and climate change.
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Ministers from Lebanon, Egypt and Morocco discussed ways to use Natural Capital Accounting to encourage green growth in the Middle East and North Africa.
Following a mission from World Bank experts last month, Madagascar is starting to implement its work plan on natural capital accounting.
Forest Accounts show that Kenya’s forests have been highly undervalued in terms of GDP, leading officials to revise policy.
A gathering of public and private interests discusses new approaches and tools for better managing natural resources.
Ricardo Martinez-Lagunes, Inter-regional Adviser on Environmental Economic Accounts in the UN, demystifies water accounts and explains how countries are using them to inform policy decisions.
Measuring the value of forests and their related ecosystems through "forest accounts" is helping countries set their economic priorities.
62 countries, 90 corporations, 17 civil society members supported the 50-50 campaign in Rio+20 in June. They are coming together for a High Level Ministerial Dialogue in Washington DC on April 18.
A WAVES Policy and Technical Experts Committee has been set up to develop a methodology for ecosystem valuation and help countries incorporate them in national accounts.
A new report (pdf) shows that 24 countries are already using natural capital accounting in their economic decision making. By fully accounting for minerals and energy, fisheries, water, forests, and ecosystems, countries can provide more accurate information to their policy makers.