Features and Blogs


Mangroves are being destroyed at a rate 3-5 times greater than the average rates of forest loss, costing billions in economic damages and denying millions of people the ecosystem services they need to survive, according to a new UNEP report.


An ecosystem natural capital accounting case study in Mauritius confirms the feasibility of developing accounts to assess sustainable development policies and capital resilience to the effects of climate change.


WAVES plans to work with Ghana and Mexico, two countries in the Climate Investment Funds’ Forest Investment Program (FIP). FIP Senior Program Coordinator Andrea Kutter answers questions on the collaboration.


Mahmoud Mohieldin, World Bank Corporate Secretary and President’s special envoy, advocates making natural capital accounting central to the post-2015 development agenda.


Green Growth is at the heart of Bhutan’s philosophy of Gross National Happiness and NCA can play a role in making it more robust.


Cross-sector experts from business, foundations, NGOs and institutions were brought together by the Rockefeller Foundation and IUCN to come up with suggestions to encourage financial markets to become champions of nature.


At the second meeting of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, a presentation on natural capital accounting emphasized its role in making the post-2015 goals monitorable and achievable. 


To help countries plan for more sustainable growth, a new indicator change in wealth per capita is now available for more than 200 countries in the World Development Indicators and Little Green Data Book.


Turkey becomes the 70th country to join the WAVES global partnership as a way to help meet their sustainable development goals.


WAVES kicked off the third year with new countries joining the partnership and on-the-ground results emerging from core implementing countries.
