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The Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) for Forests covering the period 2016 to 2020
Technical Report

This report highlights the changes in animal populations, their use, and partial accounts for the...
Technical Report

The Rapid Environment Economic Assessment (REEA) model can be used to analyse government investment...
Latest resources
Pilot Ecosystem Account for Indonesian Peatlands Sumatera and Kalimantan Islands
This report presents an ecosystem account for peatlands in the Indonesian islands of Sumatera and Kalimantan.
Measuring wealth, delivering prosperity
This is a report on how to improve economic measurement in order to guide effective economic policy making.
Pilot Land and Extent Account Sumatera & Kalimantan
This report presents the pilot land and extent accounts for Indonesia based on the methodology of the SEEA.
Synthesis Report: Natural Capital Accounts and Policy in Indonesia
This report builds on work done under the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) Partnership developed between 2013-2019 and on the previous efforts developed in Indonesia on environmental accounting led by Central
Statistics Agency (BPS).
A Green and Prosperous Future for Indonesia
The new approach to planning embraces sustainability, for all.
Natural Capital Accounts and Policy in Indonesia
Natural capital accounting is a system for assessing sustainability and resilience of the economic growth model