May 14, 2014 to May 15, 2014
Fourth Partnership Meeting

We have had a productive year at WAVES. 69 countries have now joined the WAVES Partnership. Guatemala, Indonesia and Rwanda have become core implementing countries, bringing the total number to eight, and we are in discussions with Vietnam and Morocco. Our core countries have begun compiling natural capital accounts (NCA) and using them to inform policy. We are also working to launch regional communities of practice to strengthen capacity in regions and support our other partners. And, under the guidance of the Policy and Technical Experts Committee, we have begun testing methodologies for ecosystems accounting.
The main objective of the fourth meeting is to bring together WAVES countries and other partners to share their successes and challenges, focusing on water and ecosystem accounts. We will also hear from our private sector and UN partners, and feature panel discussions on how NCA supports wider development goals.
Detailed Agenda will follow soon
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