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Webinar: An Introduction to the National Ecosystem Services Classification System

January 14, 2016
Online: WebEx Meeting

Join the National Ecosystem Services Partnership at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions for the first in a two-part webinar series that provides an overview of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Ecosystem Services Classification System tool and its relationship to the Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Charles Rhodes and Dixon Landers will discuss similarities and differences between these two tools.

Introduction to the Natural Capital Approach

January 12, 2016
Web-based, online course

The Natural Capital Project, based at Stanford University, is offering a is offering a free online, self-paced course on an Introduction to the Natural Capital Approach. The course is intended for those interested in how natural capital approaches can inform decisions taken by governments, multi-lateral development institutions, the private and finance sectors, and non-governmental organizations. It can be a resource for individuals interested in simply learning about these concepts or for those interested in using the NatCap’s approaches and tools in research or to influence decisions.

United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21)

November 30, 2015 to December 11, 2015
Paris, France

France will be hosting and presiding the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11), otherwise known as “Paris 2015." COP21 will be a crucial conference, as it needs to achieve a new international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.

Introduction to Environmental Accounting Course

November 30, 2015 to December 09, 2015
Canberra, Australia

The course, Introduction to Environmental Accounting, at Australian National University's Fenner School of Environment & Society, has been designed to assist with the implementation of WAVES as well as the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA). No specific prior knowledge necessary, but it is expected that participants have worked professionally within or with government in disciplines related to environmental accounting, including environmental science, ecological economics, natural resource management, national accounting or statistics. 
