Uganda Adjusted Macroeconomic Indicators and Measures of Comprehensive Wealth
Uganda Woodfuels Overview
Uganda launches a national plan for NCA and the first set of land and water accounts
Uganda Water Accounts 2015 - 2018
Uganda launches the first set of land and water accounts
The Government of Uganda took a significant step in adopting natural capital accounting by launching the national plan and the first set of land and water accounts for the country.
4th Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy
The 4th Forum on Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) for Better Policy brought together over 100 high-level participants working on NCA and sustainable landscape management on 18-19 November 2019 in Kampala, Uganda.
African nations convene to shape a Regional Community of Practice on Natural Capital Accounting
Representatives from 18 African countries committed to create a new Community of Practice on Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) in Africa.
Country Brief: Uganda
Govt committed to developing natural resources, say Muhakanizi
Waves is working together with the Uganda government to support and build capacity in the measurement and valuation of natural assets and ecosystem services.