Insight Brief: Mangrove Aquaculture-Polyculture Products in the Ayeyarwady Region
Investment Analysis for Mangrove Ecosystems in the Ayeyarwady Region
Sustainable Investment : Best Practice Disclosure Checklist for Pension Funds
A toolkit for sustainable investment policy and regulation (part 1)
EPA set to update Energy sources data for Ghana
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has began a process aimed at compiling Energy Accounts within the next six months to produce data on the usage of energy sources to enable Ghana measure and protect the environment.
Natural Capital Accounting and SDGs Interrelationship
2nd Policy Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Decision Making: Applications for Sustainable Development (Part 2: Case Studies)
2nd Policy Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions: Applications for Sustainable Development (Part 1 - Takeaways)
STHM-led research team at CEFAS, University of East Anglia
A team from The University of the South Pacific attened a training workshop in the UK to discuss coastal and marine ecosystem services valuation for policy.