Nature as an engine of recovery in a post-Coronavirus world
In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), we can’t do this without thinking about how to put natural capital to work for its people.
NCFA: Ground-Breaking Guide Launched in South Africa to Empower Banks to Assess Natural Capital Risk
Natural Capital Finance Alliance has showcased the world’s first step-by-step guide to help banks conduct a rapid natural capital risk assessment.
Dow generates £90m from natural capital projects
The Dow Chemical Company has continued to prove the business case for measuring impacts on nature.
For smart businesses, money can grow on trees
Businesses are recognising the value of the natural world, and everyone's a winner.
We Must Make Natural Capital Everyone’s Business to Achieve Sustainable, Inclusive Growth
Natural capital is a critical input for all business success, and leading businesses are responding to the opportunity embodied by these Goals.
Natural Capital -- A Movement To Show Nature Is Worth More Alive Than Dead
Natural Capital is a fundamental movement from valuing revenue to valuing assets.
There is no sustainability without a balance sheet
It could be argued that we are misusing the term “Capital” within Natural and Social Capital.
Is Corporate Natural Capital Accounting appropriate for monitoring nature reserves?
Financial benefits of Natural Capital Accounting
Natural capital can be defined as the stock of our natural resources.