GPS-WAVES Annual Report 2019
Avances y desafíos de las cuentas económico-ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe
Nature-based Solutions to Enhance Coastal Resilience
The benefits of sharing knowledge on natural capital accounting
Following a workshop in the Dominican Republic, participants from Colombia, Costa Rica and Paraguay shared their perspectives on sharing knowledge for strengthening NCA.
Compendio de artículos sobre cuentas de energía y emisiones en los países de ALC
WAVES, ECLAC Support NCA in Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin America and Caribbean countries are increasingly using natural capital accounting to inform decision making on policies and planning.
Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean make progress implementing Natural Capital Accounting
More countries in the LAC region are using NCA as a tool to inform their public policy decisions.
Curso Introductorio a las Cuentas Ambientales (CEPAL)
Medio Ambiente y Bioversidad: prioridades para la conservación del capital natural y la competitividad de América Latina y el Caribe