Uganda Natural Capital Accounting, Environment and Climate Change Programmatic ASA : Natural Capital Accounting : Informing Policy Decisions and Management of Uganda’s Natural Resources (English)
Zambia’s Natural Capital Accounts: Informing Key Policy Priorities
Zambia Land Accounts Report, 2010-2015
Uganda Wood Asset and Forest Resources Accounts Report 2020
Uganda Wood Asset and Forest Resources Brief
Valuing the ecosystem services provided by forests in Pursat Basin, Cambodia
Mobilizing Private Finance for Nature
Planet REBOOT: An opportunity to reshape the world after COVID-19
Over the last century, our species has increasingly dominated the earth, expanding, developing, growing … but also polluting and depleting our non-renewable resources, creating irreversible losses in biodiversity.
Top risks are environmental, but ignore economics and they'll be harder to fix
Climate-related risks overshadow all other risks – in particular economic risks – undermining cohesive action and creating blind spots. Society needs a new “growth paradigm” that addresses the interconnectedness of socio-economic factors with climate change. Businesses need to adapt their metrics to assess the value of nature.