Workshop on the Fundamentals of Accounting as Applied to Ecosystem Accounting
Mid-Year Joint Meeting of the Technical Working Group for the Southern Palawan Ecosystem Account
GIS Training for the Laguna Lake Ecosystem Account
First WAVES Global Knowledge Exchange on Ecosystems and their Valuation
Training on GIS and SedNet in Southern Palawan
Training Program on Ecosystem Accounting, Follow-up course, Manilla
Land Degradation Costs the World Up to $10.6 trillion a Year, Report Says
More than half of the world’s arable land is moderately or severely degraded, according to a report published on by the Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Initiative. The report estimates the cost of this environmental destruction, not only from lost agricultural production and diminished livelihoods, but also from the lost value of ecosystem services formerly provided by the land, including water filtration, erosion prevention, nutrient cycling and the provision of clean air.