Plan Nacional de Cuentas Ambientales de Chile
Latin American Countries Exchange Experience on NCA
The biggest regional gathering on NCA brought together participants from 15 countries to discuss how to link accounts with policy.
Executive Summary: Monitoring the Shift to Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in the context of the SDGs (English, French, Spanish, Chinese)
Monitoring the Shift to Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns - in the context of the SDGs
UNEP, Sweden, Chile Report on using the SEEA to Monitor SCP Targets
A paper published by Statistics Sweden and Chile's Ministry of Environment outlines ways to measure sustainable patterns of consumption and production in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).
New UN Report Details Ecosystem Services of Almost $1 Billion Annually in Four Pilot Countries
ProEcoServ assessed ecosystem services such as water, soil retention, shoreline protection, carbon sequestration and pollination in South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Viet Nam and Chile.
Success Stories in Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services into Macro-economic Policy and Land Use Planning: Evidence from Chile, Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa and Viet Nam
Regional Workshop on Natural Capital Accounting for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) with an Emphasis on Water Accounts