What on Earth is "Natural Capital"?
This blog breaks down “natural capital,” a concept that could revolutionize the way nature is protected.
This blog breaks down “natural capital,” a concept that could revolutionize the way nature is protected.
A detailed analysis of the Central Highlands' forests in Victoria, Australia, concludes the net economic contribution from forestry in the area is relatively minor compared to the contribution to the state's water supply, tourism and farming.
Environmental policies that invest in natural capital are improving services provided by China's ecosystems, such as flood control and sand storm mitigation, according to research conducted by an international team of scientists.
The six key motions primarily identified for debate in Hawai‘i deal with protected areas, natural capital, biodiversity offsets, ocean governance, oil palm expansion and ecotourism.
Despite their diminutive appearance, scientists discovered that mangroves provide value by storing huge amounts of carbon.
A new study from Arizona State University puts forth a plan for a more simple way to tackle one of the biggest challenges in modern economics: determining the proper economic value for nature.