Status and Trends in Global Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital: Assessing Progress Toward Aichi Biodiversity Target 14
Medio Ambiente y Bioversidad: prioridades para la conservación del capital natural y la competitividad de América Latina y el Caribe
Environment and Biodiversity: Priorities for Protecting Natural Capital and Competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in environmental profit & loss accounts
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in corporate natural capital accounting: Synthesis Report
A New California Case Study Finds Eco-Assets Boost Property Sale Price
Assessing property for the endangered species it saves or wetlands it preserves could pay off for some landowners, says a California-based firm researching ecosystem markets. According to the firm’s latest case study, sale price tripled for a property in San Benito County, California once it considered eco-asset market values.
Building a Better Understanding of Links Between Biodiversity and the Economy
WAVES spoke with Steven King at UNEP about his latest work on species accounting and improving our understanding of links between species, the environment and the economy,