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The Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) for Forests covering the period 2016 to 2020
Technical Report

This report highlights the changes in animal populations, their use, and partial accounts for the...
Technical Report

The Rapid Environment Economic Assessment (REEA) model can be used to analyse government investment...
Latest resources
SEEA Energy Accounts
SEEA-Energy, a SEEA 'sub-system', is under development to provide compilers and analysts with agreed concepts, definitions, classifications, tables, and accounts for energy and energy-related air emission accounts.
Mauritius Environment-Economic Accounts, 2002 – 2009
This issue of the Economic and Social Indicators presents Environment-Economic Accounts for Mauritius during the period 2002 to 2009.
Comprehensive Wealth Accounting
Powerpoint presentation on Comprehensive Wealth Accounting by Kirk Hamilton of the World Bank's Development Research Group, during the first WAVES Annual Partnership Meeting, March 29-31, 2011 in Washington, DC.
The Changing Wealth of Nations: Measuring Sustainable Development for the New Millennium
Published in 2011, this World Bank book says countries that manage their natural wealth for the long-term move up the development ladder.
Sistema de Contabilidad Ambiental y Económica de Guatemala (IARNA)
El Departamento de Estadísticas Económicas del Banco de Guatemala y el Instituto de Agricultura, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (IARNA) de la Universidad Rafael Landívar (URL), en el contexto del Convenio Marco de Cooperación suscrito entre ambas instituciones en enero de 2007, con el objetivo de unificar esfuerzos para el diseño e implementación del Sistema de Contabilidad Ambiental y Económica (SCAE), comúnmente conocido como “Cuentas ambientales” o “Cuentas verdes”, presentan algunos de los hallazgos más importantes en el proceso de construcción de las cuentas ambientales.
Guidance for Natural Capital (UK Office for National Statistics)
This section of the UK's Office for National Statistics website provides an overview of natural capital, upcoming work on measuring natural capital, past and upcoming events and seminars, and all related publications.