Results Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results for Other Country : Canada

Comprehensive Wealth in Canada 2018 – Measuring What Matters in the Long Term
Comprehensive wealth measures the country’s produced, natural, human, financial and social capital.

Human Activity and the Environment 2016 Freshwater in Canada
Provides up-to-date statistics on freshwater supply and demand for Canada’s 25 drainage regions.

Natural Capital: The Economic Value of the National Capital Commission's Green Network
The National Capital Commission (NCC) protects and conserves more than 55,000 hectares of federal land in the National Capital Region. Much of the land we care is green space. A study estimates the total economic value of our green spaces at $5 billion over 20 years. The NCC’s green spaces provide direct monetary benefits, such as from wood and agricultural products, as well as benefits not measured according to traditional market metrics

Comprehensive Wealth in Canada: Measuring What Matters in the Long Run
Comprehensive wealth focuses on the role of people, environment and economy.
Ecosystem accounting: Thematic accounts, 1971 to 2011
Statistics Canada is releasing land cover and land use data for selected geographical areas for 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011. These data track changes in the extent of built-up area by census metropolitan area (CMA) and CMA–ecosystem. Data are available in CANSIM.
Study: The changing landscape of Canadian metropolitan areas, 1971 to 2011
The built-up area of Canada's census metropolitan areas more than doubled in size from 1971 to 2011.
Accounting for Natural Capital in Productivity of the Mining and Oil and Gas Sector
This paper presents a growth accounting framework in which subsoil mineral and energy resources are recognized as natural capital input into the production process.
Linking Natural Capital and Productivity
Constructing an environmentally adjusted measure of multifactor productivity for Canada.
Statistics Canada: Environmental and Resource Accounts
Statistics Canada, a member of the Industry Portfolio, produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture.
Statistics Canada: Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures (SEPE)
The Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures provides a measure of the cost to Canadian industry to comply with present or anticipated environmental regulations, conventions and voluntary agreements.