Results Showing 21 - 30 of 45 results for Other Country : Australia
Land Account: South Australia, Experimental Estimates, 2006 - 2011
This experimental account looks at reporting on change in land use, rateable value and land cover.
Information Paper: An Experimental Ecosystem Account for the Great Barrier Reef Region, 2015
This information paper presents an experimental ecosystem account for the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Region of Australia.
Towards an Environmental Expenditure Account
An Environmental Expenditure Account (EEA) describes the resources allocated for preserving and/or protecting the environment by different categories of economic units as well as the financing of these resources and activities.
Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts, 2015
This issue of the Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts brings all ABS environmental accounts together in one place to deliver a broad and cohesive picture of the environmental stocks and flows of relevance to the Australian economy and society.
Energy Account, Australia, 2012-13
The Energy Account Australia (EAA) provides statistics to monitor changes in the supply and use of energy over time, both from an economic and an environmental perspective.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) State of the Environment Report 2015
This report, presented by the Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment (OCSE), captures and presents key information on the state of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) environment.
Accounting for the environment
The Victoria State Government's Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is driving the adoption of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) to compile environmental, social and economic statistics.
Valuing Nature: Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services
This publication brings together the key concepts, case studies and recommendations presented at a symposium entitled Valuing Nature: Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services held in Brisbane, Australia on 21-22 July 2014.
Natural Capital Accounting in Action: Australia's pilot ecosystem accounts benefit management of Great Barrier Reef
The application of natural capital accounting and valuation methods to ecosystems and protected areas, currently being piloted in Australia, offers a useful framework for managing vast and complex environments subject to different human pressures.
Water Account, Australia, 2012-2013
The latest water account for Australia shows the largest use of water measured since the start of the series peaking at 20 billion liters. As in previous years the agriculture industry was the largest consumer of water, but this year their use was up considerably to just under 13 billion liters. Dating to 1993, the series is one of the longest running environmental accounts in the world.