Results Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results for Partner countries : Indonesia
GPS Annual Report 2020-2021
This report provides an overview of activities financed by the GPS and WAVES Trust fund till the end of Fiscal Year 2021 (June 30,2021), thus covering two fiscal years (FY20 and FY21).
Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions: Measuring and Valuing Natural Capital to Improve Landscape Management and Governance
This is a report of the proceedings and highlights of the 4th Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions held 18-19 November 2019 in Kampala, Uganda
GPS-WAVES Annual Report 2019
A report on the annual progress of GPS-WAVES. It showcases the significant progress made by partner countries in developing natural capital accounts & GPS-WAVES activities over the last year.
Towards a Regional Community of Practice in Africa: Accelerating the mainstreaming of NCA through regional integration
This is a synthesis report of the Africa Forum on Natural Capital Accounting and recommendations for future actions
Indonesian Environmental and Economic Balance Integrated System 2014-2018
This Sisnerling report provides an overview of the impact of development on the availability and role of natural resources in economic activities in Indonesia.
The Global Program on Sustainability (GPS) Brochure
The Global Program on Sustainability (GPS) Brochure
Synthesis Report: Natural Capital Accounts and Policy in Indonesia
This report builds on work done under the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) Partnership developed between 2013-2019 and on the previous efforts developed in Indonesia on environmental accounting led by Central
Statistics Agency (BPS).
Pilot Land and Extent Account Sumatera & Kalimantan
This report presents the pilot land and extent accounts for Indonesia based on the methodology of the SEEA.
Pilot Ecosystem Account for Indonesian Peatlands Sumatera and Kalimantan Islands
This report presents an ecosystem account for peatlands in the Indonesian islands of Sumatera and Kalimantan.
Natural Capital Accounts and Policy in Indonesia
Natural capital accounting is a system for assessing sustainability and resilience of the economic growth model