Results Showing 1 - 10 of 28 results for Partner countries : Costa Rica
GPS Annual Report 2020-2021
This report provides an overview of activities financed by the GPS and WAVES Trust fund till the end of Fiscal Year 2021 (June 30,2021), thus covering two fiscal years (FY20 and FY21).
Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions: Measuring and Valuing Natural Capital to Improve Landscape Management and Governance
This is a report of the proceedings and highlights of the 4th Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions held 18-19 November 2019 in Kampala, Uganda
GPS-WAVES Annual Report 2019
A report on the annual progress of GPS-WAVES. It showcases the significant progress made by partner countries in developing natural capital accounts & GPS-WAVES activities over the last year.
Towards a Regional Community of Practice in Africa: Accelerating the mainstreaming of NCA through regional integration
This is a synthesis report of the Africa Forum on Natural Capital Accounting and recommendations for future actions

Fair fishing: supporting inclusive fiscal reform in fisheries
This toolkit focuses on fiscal fisheries management instruments, which governments use to influence economic decisions on government spending and raise revenue through taxation.

No hidden catch - Mainstreaming values of small-scale fisheries in national accounts
Guidelines to assist national statistics officers and others improve the way they account for small-scale fisheries (SSF).

WAVES Annual Report 2018
A report on the annual progress of the WAVES Global Partnership

Cuentas ambientales de Costa Rica
El Banco Central de Costa Rica ha compilado las primeras Cuentas Ambientales de Costa Rica, para Agua, Bosques y Energía.
Costa Rica's Environmental Accounts
The Banco Central de Costa Rica has compiled the first Costa Rican Environmental Accounts for Water, Forest and Energy.
Promoviendo Sinergias Entre los Productores y Usuarios de las Cuentas de Capital Natural
En esta tercera edición de la serie “Economía Ambiental para Políticas Basadas en la Evidencia” repasamos brevemente los avances en la misión de la Plataforma del Modelo Económico-Ambiental Integrado (IEEM) y sus líneas de acción estratégicas.