The Global Program on Sustainability (GPS) Brochure
Measuring wealth, delivering prosperity
WAVES in Indonesia: Impact on Policy
WAVES has helpsed Indonesia implement a system that calculates the physical and monetary values of natural resources using an accounting system, or often referred to as Natural Capital Accounting, or NCA. Through NCA, natural resources can be mainstreamed into development policy and planning. This video captures the impact that accounting has had on policy-making in Indonesia.
Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions: Climate change and biodiversity
Comprehensive Wealth in Canada 2018 – Measuring What Matters in the Long Term
How GDSA is supporting African nations to integrate natural capital into development plans
Last year, WAVES program stated that “African countries lead on natural capital accounting”. The recent flurry of activity on the continent appears to support this.
WAVES-Indonesia hones skills in macroeconomic indicators and wealth accounting
The Ministry of Finance and WAVES organized a training as part of ongoing efforts to implement NCA.
How much is the UK worth? The challenges of capturing the value of our nation’s assets
ONS recently published estimates of the total value of all the assets held in the UK, known as the ‘National Balance Sheet’.
An ambitious project to measure the wealth of nations shows how GDP is a deceptive gauge of progress
The Changing Wealth of Nations analyzes the wealth of 141 countries, from 1995 to 2014.