Tourism Satellite Account (TSA), 2011 and provisional 2012 and 2013
Tourism satellite account for South Africa (TSA), final 2012 and provisional 2013 and 2014
Indian Prime Minister: Need to Consider Tigers as Natural Capital
Shri Narendra Modi said there is a need to consider tigers as India's “natural capital” and to define conservation as a means to achieve development, rather than considering it to be anti-growth.
Resiliencia costera en el Caribe
Contribution à la gestion durable du tourisme côtier au Maroc à travers l’évaluation du coût de dégradation des services écosystémiques du littoral - Cas du littoral de Tétouan
Information Paper: An Experimental Ecosystem Account for the Great Barrier Reef Region, 2015
Stunning Sights, Wild Experiences: Nature-Based Tourism A Boon for Emerging Economies
When nature is well managed, many sectors of the economy thrive – agriculture benefits from good soil and plentiful water; fisheries are rewarded with valuable catches; coastal cities are better protected from storms.
Tourism Satellite Account in Israel: Economic Review according to Supply and Use Table 2004
What is a Rhino in the Wild Really Worth?
A single rhinoceros horn can bring $300,000 on the black market, but determining the full value of a rhino is more difficult. In some countries, where preserving animals and habitats are keys to tourism, losing these things imposes a steep economic cost.