Key Debates Decided for IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016
The six key motions primarily identified for debate in Hawai‘i deal with protected areas, natural capital, biodiversity offsets, ocean governance, oil palm expansion and ecotourism.
The six key motions primarily identified for debate in Hawai‘i deal with protected areas, natural capital, biodiversity offsets, ocean governance, oil palm expansion and ecotourism.
One company is trying to measure exactly how much urban trees are worth, but some things defy calculation.
A Canada-wide pilot program aims to show municipalities the value of maintaining the country’s original infrastructure – nature.
Studies value Ireland's natural capital - or the wider environment - at €2.6bn a year, and includes the economic value of timber, the value that pollinators play in growing crops and the recreational value of the outdoors.
Shri Narendra Modi said there is a need to consider tigers as India's “natural capital” and to define conservation as a means to achieve development, rather than considering it to be anti-growth.
Dow is working with The Earth Genome to test new software that crunches data to help assign monetary value to the natural world and calculate the environmental impact of its work.
In a paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team devised a formula to determine the worth over time of natural capital, using the dollar value of groundwater in the U.S. state of Kansas as an example.
A formula for computing the price of natural capital was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
A blog on what Ireland can learn from the Finnish approach to national ecosystem service mapping and valuation.
SolAbility ranked 180 countries for sustainable competitiveness: the ability to generate and sustain inclusive wealth and dignifying standard of life for all citizens in a globalized world of competing economies. Natural capital is listed as a key element.