WAVES-Indonesia hones skills in macroeconomic indicators and wealth accounting
The Ministry of Finance and WAVES organized a training as part of ongoing efforts to implement NCA.
Integrated System of Environmental and Economic Balance Indonesia 2012-2016
National workshop advances NCA in Indonesia
Decision-makers gathered in Jakarta to discuss moving forward with the implementation of the SEEA.
Natural Capital Accounting and Policy
This new series of briefs demonstrates the progress made by five WAVES countries in translating NCA into policy, and also looks at three thematic areas: forests, water and energy.
Natural Capital Accounting and Policy: Indonesia
Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions: Taking Stock and Moving Forward
Indonesia Country Report 2017
Indonesia Hosts First WAVES South-South Knowledge Exchange
The event brought together 60 participants from Indonesia, Australia, Botswana, and the Philippines to share experiences on implementing natural capital accounting.
Indonesia: Embracing Natural Capital Accounting for Better Development Decisions
Indonesia is making signficiant progress on natural capital accounting, including learning from others' experiences on integrating accounts into policymaking.