Uganda Wood Asset and Forest Resources Accounts Report 2020
Valuing the ecosystem services provided by forests in Pursat Basin, Cambodia
Mobilizing Private Finance for Nature
Planet REBOOT: An opportunity to reshape the world after COVID-19
Over the last century, our species has increasingly dominated the earth, expanding, developing, growing … but also polluting and depleting our non-renewable resources, creating irreversible losses in biodiversity.
A Green and Prosperous Future for Indonesia
WAVES in Indonesia: Impact on Policy
WAVES has helpsed Indonesia implement a system that calculates the physical and monetary values of natural resources using an accounting system, or often referred to as Natural Capital Accounting, or NCA. Through NCA, natural resources can be mainstreamed into development policy and planning. This video captures the impact that accounting has had on policy-making in Indonesia.
NCFA: Ground-Breaking Guide Launched in South Africa to Empower Banks to Assess Natural Capital Risk
Natural Capital Finance Alliance has showcased the world’s first step-by-step guide to help banks conduct a rapid natural capital risk assessment.
Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Policy Decisions: Taking Stock and Moving Forward
Counting a Billion Trees
The Billion Tree Tsunami initiative is helping to shift the current mindset of treating forests as ‘timber revenue’ machines towards one that considers treating them as valued ‘natural capital.’