Understanding the Role of Forests in Enhancing Livelihoods and Climate Resilience: Case Studies in the Philippines
Forest Accounting Sourcebook
Forum discusses Costa Rica's progress in Natural Capital Accounting (in Spanish)
150 representatives from the private sector, civil society, the public sector, and academia participated in a forum aiming to increase natural capital accounting in decision-making.
Forum discusses Costa Rica's progress in natural capital accounting (in Spanish)
A forum was held in San José to discuss increasing natural capital accounting in decision-making and in the development of sustainable policies for forests, water and energy.
Foro analizó avances en la contabilidad de recursos naturales en Costa Rica
Con el fin de incrementar la contabilidad de los recursos naturales a la toma de decisiones y el desarrollo de políticas sostenibles en los sectores de bosque, agua y energía, se llevó a cabo el foro denominado, La Contabilidad de los Recursos Naturales.
Zambia joins WAVES+, identifies priority accounts during stakeholder consultation
Zambia is the first to join as a core implementing country under the second phase of WAVES.
Valuing Forest Products and Services in Turkey : A Pilot Study of Bolu Forest Area
Exploring the economic value of trees' social and environmental benefits
Many of the benefits of trees are wholly or partly unvalued in markets and associated GDP calculations.
Natural Capital: The Economic Value of the National Capital Commission's Green Network